Layers - Functions
— Methodadd_layer(collection::Collection, output_type::Type{T};
settings::Settings=Settings()) where T <: AssetLayer
Adds layers to collection. Which layers are added/updated determined by logic in function layerstoadd.
If settings are provided they override the settings in the collection for all layers included
— Methodhas_unique_settings(settings::Settings, slc::Vector{Vector{Type}})
Returns true if only one of the provided layers for each batch of layers has associated settings.
— Methodhas_unique_settings(settings::Settings, slc::Vector{Type})
Returns true if only one of the provided layers has associated settings.
— Methodlayers_affected_by_changed_settings(settings::Settings, settings_used::Settings,
Returns a vector with all layers where changes have occured in settings and their superlayers. The order of the input vector of layers is kept.
— Methodlayers_over(layer_type::Type{T}) where T <: AssetLayer
Returns the two vectors (layersabstract, layersconcrete) where layersabstract includes all abstract superlayers to layertype in descending order. layersconcrete is a vector in descending order where every asset is a vector of possible concrete superlayers to layertype.
— Methodlayers_to_add(collection::Collection, output_type::Type{T}) where T <: AssetLayer
Returns a vector with the layer types that should be added to collection in ascending order.
The function handles the following logic; All layers that has to be added/remade up to output_type should be included. Layers (including all sublayers) should be redone if settings for that layer has changed. In the case were several parallell concrete layers exists settings must be exclusive.
— Methodunique_settings(settings::Settings, slc::Vector{Vector{Type}})
Returns a vector of the types that has unique settings. Should only be called if hasuniquesettings is true.
— Methodunique_settings(settings::Settings, slc::Vector{Type})
Returns the type that has unique settings. Should only be called if hasuniquesettings is true.
— MethodLayerRepaintingTrait(::Type{<:AssetLayer})
Gets the repainting trait of the given AssetLayer subtype. Returns either Repainting() or NonRepainting(). This determines whether the layer will repaint underlying data when new data is added.
— Methodlist_available_layertypes(;layer_type=AssetLayer, spacer="")
Prints a tree of available layer types.