Access And Manipulation
Basic Access Patterns
A Collection contains Assets which can be accessed in several ways:
Iterating Through Assets
Iterating through collection.assets
will visit each Asset once for both Continuous and Discrete Collections. Example of creating a DataView for each asset in a collection:
# Creating views for each asset
views = Dict{String, DVTimeSeriesStruct}()
for asset in collection.assets
views[asset.ticker] = DVTimeSeries(asset, :close)
The cannonical way of creating DataViews for a Collection, though, is to use the CollectionDataView which in essance does something similar to the above.
TFire uses a syntax familiar from Python and Julia among others for accessing parts of a Collection.
Say we have the following Collection,
TFire> collection
-| Collection |- (Continuous)
Tickers: 2, MMM AOS
Samples: 8562
The Collection may be accessed by one of the tickers in the Collection or a list of such tickers. This creates a Collection with only the selected tickers.
TFire> collection["MMM"]
-| Collection |- (Continuous)
Ticker: MMM
Samples: 3352
This is short for getindex(collection, "MMM") and may thus hereafter be referred to as a getindex method.
Examples of some of the ways of accessing parts of a Collection are presented below. All of the getindex
methods presented below creates a new Collection. If instead the Collection is to be modified inplace, the equivalent keepat!
method may be used.
The Collection may be accessed by one date/datetime in the collection, or again, a list of such dates/datetimes. This creates a Collection where only the samples with an evaluation date/datetime equivalent to those requested are kept for all Assets.
TFire> collection[Date(2010,1,12)]
-| Collection |- (Continuous)
Tickers: 2, MMM AOS
Samples: 2
Further a Collection may be accessed by matching it to another Collection. In the example below the tickers and dates of collection_mmm
is used to access collection
TFire> collection_mmm = collection["MMM"];
TFire> collection_mmm_new = collection[collection_mmm]
-| Collection |- (Continuous)
Ticker: MMM
Samples: 3352
TFire> collection_mmm == collection_mmm_new
Set Operations
Set operations are fully supported on Collections, Below follows some examples of set operations in combination with the getindex methods defined above.
TFire> collection["MMM"] + collection["AOS"] == collection
Here the +
is equivalent to the union operation.
TFire> collection - collection["AOS"] == collection["MMM"]
The -
is equivalent to the set difference operation.
TFire> intersect(collection, collection["MMM"]) == collection["MMM"]
The intersect
function here of course represents the intersect set operation.
A Collection may be filtered by a user defined function acting on any DataView of the Collection.
Below is an example taken from Tutorial - Basic Analysis of Time Series Data, where a Collection with an MACD Layer is filtered with a user defined function macd_signal
function macd_signal(args)
macd_hist = args[1]
return macd_hist[end-1] < 0 && macd_hist[end] > 0
dv_macd = DVLayerField(collection_macd, :macd_histogram, LayerMACD);
collection_macd_filtered = filter_collection(collection_macd, [dv_macd], macd_signal)