External Data Handler - Functions

External Data From Disk

fetch_external_data_from_disk(spec::SpecificationStruct{C,T}, file_path::String,
    datadir::String; clean_and_prepare=false) where {C<:AssetConstituents, T<:ExternalSpecification}

Retrieves external data from disk given a path. Optionally cleans and prepares the data after loading. Handles both CSV and JLD2 file formats where the CSV should be a file pointing to a list of JLD2 files.

save_file(edc::ExternalDataCollection, filename::String, datadir::String; overwrite=false)

Persistently saves the ExternalDataCollection to disk under the specified filename. If overwrite is set to true, it will replace any existing file with the same name.


External Data From Internet

fetch_external_data_from_internet(spec::SpecificationStruct{C,T}, service::Type;
clean_and_prepare=true, verbose_error=false, api_key="") where {C<:AssetConstituents,T<:ExternalSpecification}
                    clean_and_prepare=true, verbose_error=true ) where {C<:AssetConstituents, T<:ExternalSpecification}

Fetches external data for the given constituents ext_cons using the specified service. Optionally cleans and prepares the data after fetching.

  • spec: A specification of which external data constituents and data fields to fetch.
  • service: The internet data service to use (e.g., YahooData).
  • clean_and_prepare: Whether or not to clean and prepare the data after fetching.
  • verbose_error: If true, provide detailed error messages.

Returns the fetched (and optionally cleaned) external data.
